domingo, 24 de junho de 2012

What is your opinion about internet? [7- Write a text of about 30 words on your blog (Justify your opinion!)]

What is your opinion about internet?

Internet is really good because it connect us to the whole world and gives actual information. However, it is also a dangerous place for teens and children because it is easy to access a illegal content like pornography and sites where pedophiles connect to them (teens and children).

Miguel Lopes, Nº13, 10ºK

TV? Is it good or bad? (6 - Write a text of about 30 words on your blog.)

TV? Is it good or bad?

In my opinion, TV can be so good as bad. We all know that currently television is one of the most factors that can influence the humans’ behaviors. So, I think that people should be careful when they watch TV, choose the right programs and ignore the ones that are bad for society, because they may commit actions that are not the most correct.
Miguel Lopes, Nº13, 10ºK

Media and Global Communication Cartoon (5 – Find a cartoon on “Media and Global Communication” and post it on your blog or write the link.)

This cartoon shows us that internet connect us to the world. If it wasn't the social networks and the media we would never know what was going on the moment.

Miguel Lopes, Nº13, 10ºK

quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012

Texts Translated in Portuguese (4 – Translate the two texts into Portuguese on your blog.)

Texts Translated in Portuguese:

Reality Shows

Um reality show é um programa de televisão baseado na vida real. Os reality shows são sempre feitos com pessoas normais e não actores, não existem guiões. Mas na minha opinião, é uma forma bastante modificada e influenciada da realidade, porque os participantes estão posicionados em sítios e situações anormais. 
Em Portugal o reality show mais famoso foi provavelmente o Big Brother, um grupo de pessoas a viver em conjunto numa casa, a tentar fazer tarefas e sendo votados, pela audiência, para em cada semana, um concorrente deixar o programa. 
Eu não gosto muito deste tipo de programas, mas acho que as pessoas gostam porque podem relacionar-se com as situações e nunca sabem o que pode vir a acontecer. 

Young People and the Internet

Os jovens, hoje, não conseguem viver sem a Internet. Estes trabalham melhor com as novas tecnologias, portanto normalmente eles são utilizadores mais avançados que os pais. Maioria deles passam muito tempo na Net.
A internet tem trazido um monte de vantagens: fácil acesso a informação; rápida comunicação com os amigos em todo o lado; entretenimento, como jogos, salas de conversação, música; é ainda uma grande ajuda com os estudos. A Internet também mudou a maneira de viver dos jovens, isto pode separá-los do mundo real, podem perder contacto pessoas e ter dificuldades de comunicação na realidade.
A Internet é uma grande ajuda para os jovens mas também pode tornar-se um vício. 

Miguel Lopes, Nº13, 10ºK

The Main Ideas of the Texts (3 – Write the main ideas of the two texts on your blog.)

Text One: 
“Reality shows"
A “reality show” is a television program based on real life. Always with ordinary people and not actors, there are no scripts. But in my opinion, it’s a very modified and influenced form of reality, because participants are placed in an abnormal place and situations.

In Portugal the most famous reality show was probably “Big Brother”, a group of people living together in a house, trying to make some tasks and being voted, by the audience, to leave every week.

I don’t like this kind of shows very much, but I guess people like it because they can relate to the situations and we never now what will happen.
Text Two: 
"Young people and the internet"
Young people can’t live without internet today. They work better with new technologies so normally they are more advanced users than their parents. Most of them spend a lot of time surfing the Net.

Internet has brought them a lot of advantages: easy access to information; fast communication with friends from everywhere; entertainment, like games, chat rooms, music; it’s even a great help with studies. But Internet as also changed the way young people live, it can separate them from real world, they loose personal contact and have difficulties in real communication.

The Internet is a great help for young people but it can also be an addiction.

Main Ideas in the both texts:

1. Text One - "Reality Shows"

    • Reality shows are programs based on real life.
    • They are made with ordinary people (people like us).
    • In the writer's opinion, reality can become distorted from nowadays.
    • Portugal stood out with Big Brother.
    • People like this kind of shows because they can relate to them and see unexpected situations.
2. Text Two - "Young people and the internet"
    • Young people can't live without internet.
    • Young people spend lots of time online and they can use new technologies easier than their parents.
    • Internet turned easier to access to information, to communicate faster, to entertain users and help students on studies. 
    • People lose personal contact with real people and real world on the Internet.
Miguel Lopes, Nº13, 10ºK